First Location: West Bridgeford.
West bridgeford was the first location we looked at. This location was our first choice since it looked alot more like a old persons home without the need of loads and loads of props. This was an advantage to us since it meant that we didn't have to carry loads of props every time we need to shoot or re-shoot something. The other advantage was that it was close to one of our other locations.
Even though this seemed a good location, the actual location of the location seemed to pop up. Even though this was easily accessed by a NCT bus, not all of us in the group have NCT bus passes, therefore this issue was raised and was talked about in great detail.
Below are photo's of the living room (the main room in the narrative).
These are the reece sheets for the West Bridgford living room. On these we think about the power supply, space of the location and where we could place the camera as well as many other things. These are helpful for all of the the locations that we test because it helps us make a correct and accurate decision on where to film.
Secound Location: Aspley
Aspley was the second location which we looked at. This location was always going to be our back-up location, just in case something went wrong with our first option. This location didn't look like an old person's home, so we would need a few props to make the location seem realistic. However, since this is Jordan's house, the props could stay there. One advantage of this was that it was a simple 10 minutes away from college if we ever needed to do a quick re-shoot. It is also accessible by a numerous of NCT buses and also a Trent Barton bus, this meant that all the cast and crew could easily get there.
A dis-advantage of this is that it's always full with family members, therefore would need planning if we wanted too shoot or re-shoot. It was also quite far away from our main option for the forest.
Below are pictures.
Again, like the West Bridgford location, we did another reece sheet for the Aspley location. This was for the same reasons.
After some talking, we came to the conclusion that the first option would be alot better for us. This is because it makes the filming seem more realistic. It was also closer to the better location for the woods, this therefore making it easier to do one long shoot rather than numerous shoots on different days.
West Bridgeford - Kitchen.
Before we even started looking at the scene for the kitchen, we decided to look for the living room scene. This is because they wouldn't be any continaity errors if the main girl went into the kitchen and she came in through a different door or direction. Since we decided on the West Bridgeford location for the living room, we decided on the West bridgeford's kitchen.
This is also alot easier for us since we would be able to do one day location shoots rather than numerous shoots.
The kitchen also reminds us of an old person, witht he old style cooker, the old style tops and cupboards, this again helps us make it seem more realastic.
Below are pictures of the location.
These are the reece sheets for the kitchen. Because we wanted to use this kitchen from the start, we only did a reece sheet for this one. This is because the kitchen is a lot more spacious and would of been easier to get all the equipment + characters in.
These are our shot list. These are going to help us when we do finally go and film since we already have our ideas down on paper and don't have to stand around coming up with them. Even though this is only a rough idea of what we would like the video to look like, we still might change bits when we see what looks decent when filming. It will also save us time when editing since we know what scene goes with what bit in the music.
This is our storyboard. We used this to roughly draw down key scenes or shots which would help us when filming. It also gave us an idea of what we would want a certain scene to look like (for example scene 25 when the girl runs away). It also helped us with the shot type cause we could then say whether a shot type was realistically achievable.
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